Meet the Stunt Dolly Crew. Our talented and unique individuals share a little about themselves. We are sure you will find your perfect match or matches. Should your regular stylist be on their well deserved holiday or yoga retreat, at Stunt Dolly we all adhere to the same ethics and service that you have been accustomed to. And anyway we would never consider it cheating if you see another of our friendly crew!

Dean Tooley
Creative & Artistic Director/Stylist
Most played song on your playlist: Good Morning Heartache by Diana Ross
Favourite way to unwind: A walk in the marshes with dolly, our welsh terrier
Favourite emoji:
Favourite animal: Dog
Why organic is important to me: It’s an integral part of what makes the world go around
Ruth Liley
Freelance Hair Stylist Level 3
Ruth is a graduate of the Toni & Guy academy. With over 17 years of experience as a stylist, we can vouch for her absolute precision and accuracy when working with her clients – something which only follows a very thorough consultation about your hair hopes and dreams of course.
Dolly Dusty Doolittle
Maitre D’
Favourite way to unwind: Curled up on the chair in the front window of Stunt Dolly baking in the afternoon sun
Favourite song: I Only Have Eyes for You by The Flamingos (always makes me want to howl!)
Star sign: Sagitarius
Favourite vegetable: Carrots and peas
Favourite animal: Most dogs (obviously)
David Calicchia
Favourite way to unwind: Sitting in the sun on a beach reading a book
Favourite animal: Dolly, our welsh terrier & orang-utans
Favourite vegetable/fruit: Cime di rapa/White nectarines/Olives
Why organic is important to me: A way of life, a connection to nature, protecting and enhancing it without the use of chemicals and pesticides, in turn protects us.
Most played song on your playlist: Two Thousand and Seventeen by Four Tet